Our Prelude wedding ring collection invokes feelings of beginning. As a symbol of romantic love, they are a couple’s announcement of starting married life together, and the promise of a lifelong commitment. The solitaire diamond ring echoes the classic engagement ring from the past but has been re-interpreted for our modern times. A 0.30 carat diamond is surrounded by strongly textured sparkling gold.
Starting at $3,500 and up.
Nestled next to it are either diamond encrusted fine bands, or plain gold ones. When choosing two bands, the solitaire will sit in perfect symmetry between them; when choosing one band, it will off-set the shape of the engagement ring beautifully.
Starting from $580 to $1,800 and up.
His band combines two colours of gold and two different widths to echo her ring ensemble.
Starting from $1,970 and up.

Prelude collection


Prelude variation